Art of movement ~> a group of artists who agree on the genaral principle
Famous character
-Salvador Dali 1904~1989
-Rene Magritle 1894~1967
-Joan Miro 1893~1983
-Giorgio De Chiroco 1888~1978
-Paul Delvaux 1897~1994
-Marc Chagall 1887~1985
Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement, dedicated to expressing the imagination as revealed in dream, free of the conscious control of reason and convention.
Surrearism inherited an anti-rationalist sensibility from Dada, and was shaped by emerging theories on our perception of reality, especially Sigmund Freud's model of the subconscious.
Nube stading by sea
This drawing was made after refering to one of Pablo Picasso's art work.
This drawing was made to convery a sense of peaces. In the drawing, nude stone sculpture is standing in the midle of the sea this sculpture hold a sense of mysterious and stability. It can also imagine as a woman wearing a hat. You also can imagine it as a machine, standing firm on an island in the relexing and frensh ocean.i want to share my feeling i want to be freedom and no restriction .i'm trying to convey a relaxing drawing.