Monday, September 14, 2015

28th Aug
so exciting
the toy i make by today which is a snake and ladders .the reason why choose this is because
during my childhood time ,seriously i used manila to make a toys for my sister ,technically is because that day was my favorites younger sister birthday ,and i also don't have much of many to buy a chess compendium.and the whole set was quite expensive though,
below that toy which is my toy i make today!!
does it look cute
oh god that's obviously look detail i make it though
the minion which is a demon character which if you land on the square that is in middle or at the bottom of a demon minion (snake head) you will slide down snake /chutes
So,watch out the demon minion,it will move u back on the board because you have to slide down them.(fun)
if you land on the square that frozen yellow minion stand at ,u will just stay put (frozen)until all your friend finished move their dice . Next round just can worries about that ,you never move down ladders

Basically land exactly on the square that have ladders on it,you able to climb up ladders which is allow you to move upwards and get ahead faster.

Land exactly on the last square to win. If the first person to reach the highest square on the board will win ,usually square 38.If you roll too high (dice) your piece 'bounces' off the last square and moves back.You can only win by rolling the exact number needed to land on the square.
That's it ! if feel fun come play with me(sly)

 hey yo
my sketches done today 
this is a form of abstract expressionism 
guess it look like what 
does it look abstract??
the forms are inspired by the toy(snake and ladders)
photos below are my conceptual models 
