Monday, October 21, 2013

2D Dimensional Design

The eyes are the window connection to your character of soul~...
today!!!i pick eyes as my 2D dimensional design artwork
i feel that eyes is a powerful and beauty part of human
i use petal and leaves to decorate the eyelip
makesense to express the meaning of beautiful eyes look for the good in other

                                                   the butterfly on face is mean
blemish of beauty
butterfly cover the blemish let it become the beauty part on face
i use the petal to create yhe partern of butterflly wings
and bud
hair can add to a woman's beauty
technically, haha
so..i cut off root of fern to makeup her hair :D
can see  the port out design on this art work???
hope enjoy visiting~~~~~~

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

everything of worth ,is here to share

Recently everyone is busy doing paperwork
This is our achievement^_______^

mine work is on (right)^___________^

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


The hues in the image of this Painted Bunting are cyclically rotated over time.
Hue is one of the main properties of a color,
defined technically (in the CIECAM02 model),
 as "the degree to which a stimulus can be
 described as similar to or different from stimuli that are described
as red, green, blue, and yellow,"(the unique hues). The other main correlatives of color appearance are colorfulness, chroma, saturation, lightness, and brightness.
Usually, colors with the same hue are distinguished with adjectives
referring to their lightness and/or chroma, such as with "light blue", "pastel blue",
"vivid blue". Exceptions include brown, which is a dark orange, and pink,
a light red with reduced chroma.
a hue refers to a pure color—one without tint or shade (added white or black pigment, respectively).
A hue is an element of the color wheel.
Hues are first processed in the brain in areas in the extended V4 called globs.


Values describe stakeholders’ beliefs,
attitudes and the principles that drive their actions.
VALiD includes a method to help stakeholders understand,
express and share their values.
A project team can establish common purpose
 through a shared set of project values formed from
the values of each stakeholder and influenced by the project’s nature and objectives.
Each stakeholder’s business strategy should be
informed by their organisational values.

Value is the trade-off between what each stakeholder gets and what they have to give up. It is essential that we understand value from each stakeholder’s perspective. This view of value helps stakeholders appreciate that, while the bottom line is about improving efficiency (our traditional focus), the top line is concerned with increasing effectiveness (a tougher problem all together).

A structured method of revealing values can help an
organisation understand itself and drive
their business strategy. It also helps individuals understand how their
values frame their judgements of value.
Projects often bring together stakeholders who know little
of each other's value .A universal value model can help
organisation understand each other and find common project values.
These can also be used in selecting partners
When stakeholders recognise project value consistent with
their own will identify with the project
,feel a sense of belonging to it
and will acquire a stake in aceiving its objectives.


colorfulness, chroma,
 and saturation are related but distinct concepts referring
 to the perceived intensity of a specific color.
Colorfulness is the degree of difference between a color and gray.
Chroma is the colorfulness relative to the brightness of another
 color that appears white under similar viewing conditions.
Saturation is the colorfulness of a color relative to its own brightness.
[1] Though this general concept is intuitive,
 terms such as chroma, saturation, purity, and intensity
 are often used without great precision,
and even when well-defined depend greatly
on the specific color model in use.
A highly colorful stimulus is vivid and intense,
while a less colorful stimulus appears more muted,
closer to gray. With no colorfulness at all, a color
 is a “neutral” gray (an image with no colorfulness in
any of its colors is called grayscale).
With three attributes—colorfulness (or chroma or saturation), lightness (or brightness), and hue—any color can be described

the act or process of saturating.

the state of being saturated.

Meteorology . a condition in the atmosphere corresponding to 100 percent relative humidity.

the degree of chroma or purity of a color;
 the degree of freedom from admixture with white.

Magnetism. the state of maximum magnetization of a ferromagnetic material.

A little about asymentry and symentry

Nice~?!this is my fist symentry artwork
Attention~:cut this need be very patient!...
strat present my artwork ....hmm..
Right Site i try to figure up it feel like fly as fire
The feeling look like release.....
but i really look succesful (sad)
because really diffecult to use the little cut knife to cut it

i like fantasy....!!so much ...
because think about that can make me hv a lot of ideas☆☆
i  stick the leaf on the fairy's dress,it look better!!
then originally i feel the fairy still look like very dull ,
so finally i add a few pieces orange dried leaves again❤,

this is unsymentry.....
actually both two artwork have related =fairy
This unsymentry inside hv a goodwizard was enchat her magic
She make everythings in forest become peaceful .
The forest hv many interesting leaves and flowers
both artwork are carefully carfted by me..

hope you'll like it

Introduction of symentry

Symmetric arcades of a portico in the Great Mosque of Kairouan also called the Mosque of Uqba,
in Tunisia.

                                                Symentry also called reflection symentry,
because In one dimension,
there is a point of symmetry about which reflection takes place;
 in two dimensions there is an axis of symmetry,
and in three dimensions there is a plane of symmetry.
An object or figure which is indistinguishable from its transformed image is called mirror symmetric (see mirror image).

The important of symentry

Visual effects are important in architecture.
 Both in ancient and modern times,
the ability of a large structure to impress or even intimidate its
viewers has often been a major part of its purpose,
and the use of symmetry is an inescapable aspect of how to accomplish
such goals.
Examples of ancient architectures that
made powerful use of symmetry to impress those
 around them included the Egyptian Pyramids, the Greek Parthenon,
the first and second Temple of Jerusalem, China's Forbidden City,
 Cambodia's Angkor Wat complex,
and the many temples and pyramids of ancient Pre-Columbian civilizations.
More recent historical examples of architectures emphasizing symmetries include
 Gothic architecture cathedrals,
and American President Thomas Jefferson's Monticello home.
The Taj Mahal is also an example of symmetry.[15]
An example of a broken symmetry in architecture is the Leaning Tower of Pisa,
whose notoriety stems not from the intended symmetry of its design,
 but from the violation of that symmetry from the lean that developed while it was still under construction. Modern examples of architectures that make impressive or complex use of various symmetries include Australia's Sydney Opera House
 and Houston, Texas's simpler Astrodome.
Symmetry finds its ways into architecture at every scale,
 from the overall external views, through the layout of the individual floor plans,
and down to the design of individual building elements such as intricately carved doors,
stained glass windows, tile mosaics, friezes, stairwells, stair rails,
 For sheer complexity and sophistication in the exploitation of symmetry
as an architectural element, Islamic buildings
such as the Taj Mahal often eclipse those of other cultures and ages, due in part to the general prohibition of Islam against using images of people or animals.[
starting with International style, sometimes rejects symmetry,
relying on wings and balance of masses.

-♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥. -♥.
Start introduction my asymmetric
Asymmetry is unevenness or a lack of balance.
Features, data or information can be asymmetrical.
 If one group has more information than another about a subject,
that information would be asymmetric

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


; a fetus with two faces
Definition of
Diprosopus: Two-faced conjoined twins (incompletely separated identical twins).  The twins have almost complete fusion of their bodies with one set of limbs. Part or all of the face is duplicated. The condition usually results in stillbirth. The ancient two-faced Mexican figurines known as the "pretty ladies of Tlatilco" are now thought to represent diprosopus.  It is believed these early Mesoamerican figurines may, in fact, be "the oldest scientifically medical images in world history. " Sculpted over a period of 500 years beginning in 1200 BC, these little statues show diprosopus with two faces side by side.  This degree of accuracy in documenting the anatomical and pathological features of a human head does not appear for another two millennia until the 16th-century studies of Hans Baldung Grien and Andreas Vesalius who did anatomical drawings based on dissected cadavers. The term "diprosopus" comes from the Greek "di-," two + "prosopon," face = two-faced.

This drawing is expressing a person who has the other site of  enthuasiam and cool  .Me was this kind of person who cold of surface but warm in inner heart .this picture was the surrealism,the name is 'Diprosopus'

these picture give me more sense to figure out the drawing <3


These are my first vidoe i done
altgough not so perfect ,but hope you guys can enjoy it
Thanks to Ms LIsa for helping me in choosing the pig rabbit photos for this video.
the reason i choose this topic is because i like the pig rabbit quite a long time,is my lovely friend give me when end my From 3 that year,
i go around whole u-resident(that my hostel)and found a lot of inspiration to make this video 


Enjoy!!! ^^

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Art of movement ~> a group of artists who agree on the genaral principle


Famous character
-Salvador Dali   1904~1989
-Rene Magritle  1894~1967
-Joan Miro  1893~1983
-Giorgio De Chiroco  1888~1978
-Paul Delvaux 1897~1994 
-Marc Chagall  1887~1985

Surrealism was an artistic and literary movement, dedicated to expressing the imagination as revealed in dream, free of the conscious control of reason and convention.
Surrearism inherited an anti-rationalist sensibility from Dada, and was shaped by emerging theories on our perception of reality, especially Sigmund Freud's model of the subconscious.

Nube stading by sea
This drawing was made after refering to one of Pablo Picasso's art work.
This drawing was made to convery a sense of peaces. In the drawing, nude stone sculpture is standing in the midle of the sea this sculpture hold a sense of mysterious and stability. It can also imagine as a woman wearing a hat. You also can imagine it as a machine, standing firm on an island in the relexing and frensh ocean.i want to share my feeling i want to be freedom and no restriction .i'm trying to convey a relaxing drawing.