Friday, February 21, 2014

DESIGN of batik with batik trip

Japanese like to use the bright colorful ways to 
decorate the kimono

the reason why i choose the japanese style batikdesign
according to history batik is from indonesia
For a short time Japan occupied Indonesia. The Japanese were highly 
influenced by the batik process and they began incorporating it into their 
crafts and artworks.
from the Google researching i felt
the japan kimono had use many bright ways to design their artwork
let me Inspiration the idea to  my batik's design

i used the bright untildeep tone coulour to color and sketch my design

Batiking is the process of waxing and dyeing cloth.
 The word batik is thought to be derived from the word
 'ambatik' which translated means 'a cloth with little dots'.
 The suffix 'tik' means little dot, drop, point or to make dots.
 Batik may also originate from the Javanese
 word 'tritik' which describes a resist process for dying where
 the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing
 areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques.
i felt that first time learn about how 
 dying batik is such a hard techniques to me
i still enjoy to play the colouring of my batik

its was what we done!
whatever i felt very nice even i just random paint any colours
the exhibition day in class

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