Wednesday, April 8, 2015


today !i want to share about understanding of installation of office chair and the specification about it

Bellow is the photos i took and hv four view which is front view,
top,site,and the hydraulic system part  
why do we have to learn the detailing ?
the REASON 1
we can take care of planning and design ,and understanding the functions how its work,
UNDERSTANDING mean should be knew all the specification of the furnishes 
 including verifying and updating your application diagrams
if we experts in the understanding equipment of furnishes 

 it will solves all the problem that for any future self installations or troubleshooting needs.
to me maybe they are poorly written and usually hard to understand
but however ,with a little organization 

since we haven't learn through deepness 
we started choose from the simple installation furnishes which
office chair 





so basically what u see 
the office chair design in ergonomic ,it movable

also i did reference concern how they install the system and method joinery 

Remove all the parts from the kit box, and remove all plastic covers from the parts. Separate and organize the different pieces of the chair, so you can find them all.

  • 2
    Use the four included screw-head bolts to connect the aluminum receiver onto the bottom of the seat piece. Make sure to get them extra tight, as these are not self-locking bolts.
  • 3
    Slide the elbow tongue into the receiver on the bottom of the seat piece, then bolt the top piece onto the back piece, using the two shorter screw-head bolts and the plastic receiver included in the kit.
  • 4
    Clip all the wheels into the legs. This may require an extensive amount of pressure, as the washers must pop over the plastic socket bracers. You will know that the wheels are secured when they click in to place.
  • 5
    Place the plastic spindle cover over the neck of the chair. It should slide easily down in to place.
  • 6
    Slide the neck into the base legs of the chair. Again, press hard and make sure that the piece is very secure.
  • 7
    Twist the top of the chair onto the neck piece until it is secure. Make sure not to cross-thread the piece when placing it on the neck.
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